Ministry Schools

These schools introduce foundational concepts of VMTC and their scriptural premise. The emphasis is on each individual’s position in Christ and how this authority can bring personal freedom.

Training Schools

VMTC Schools aim to train people to minister to others, bring personal healing and wholeness, teach about areas of sin, bondage and the way to freedom. It also involves your own confidential prayer ministry session. As it is a training school, you will receive basic training in how to minister God’s healing and will also observe the ministry in action.

From the first school, you will be taught a simple pattern of biblically based prayer that can be used as a structured way of praying for yourself and your fellow Christians. Many powerful testimonies of God’s healing, deliverance, and freedom have come from using this simple practice.

All schools include precious times of worship, communion, and blessing. Advanced training is offered from your third school onwards.

School Locations

We have provided Clergy Schools of VMTC Prayer Ministry since 1971. Directed by an ecumenical board made of pastors, priests, laymen, and laywomen of different denominations within the body of Christ. VMTC is an international ministry located in the following countries.

  • United States
  • England
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Southeast Asia
  • Pakistan
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Papua New Guinea,  & Fiji
  • Kenya
  • Tanzania


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Learn prayer ministry skills that are scriptural, disciplined, Holy Spirit led and apply Jesus’ promises to hurting people. Person-to-person training is provided so that you can see others set free.